Interest: Create a New Interest Rate Formula

Create a New Interest Rate Formula

  1. An interest rate formula is a formula, using the given numbers and generated by the platform, that calculates the accumulated interest on late remittance payments. To create an interest rate formula:
  1. Open Union Fusion and navigate to Remittance > Settings > Interest.
  2. Select the Actions drop down > Create Interest Formula. This will take you to a form where you will create you personalized interest formula.
  3. Fill in the information fields with the correct information.
  1. Name - The name of this interest formula
  2. Maximum Interest (%) - The maximum rate of interest that you want applied
  3. Term (Days) - The number of days available to pay the remittance fees. If the payment is received past the grace period, interest will begin to accrue after the term.
  4. Grace Period (Days) - The additional time added to the term in which a remittance payment must be received by the Local. Use this field if the number of days represents a portion of a month.
  5. Grace Period (Months) - The additional time added to a term in which a remittance payment must be received by the Local. Use this field if the amount of time is equal to or greater than a month.
  1. When the information specific to this interest formula has been added to the form, click on Save Interest Formula at the bottom of the screen.
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