Dashboard: Viewing Personal Information

Your Personal Info is located under My Dashboard on the home page.

Editing Personal Info

  1. Navigate to Personal Info > hover over your name > select Edit.
  2. Under the Personal section, Emergency Info section, Status section, Related section, and Financial section, enter the appropriate information into the text boxes.
  3. Select Save and Finish button.

Adding Documents to Personal Info

  1. Navigate to Personal Info > hover over your name > select Edit.
  2. Under the Documents tab, identify which type of file you wish to upload.
  3. Click Select File on the type of file you chose > upload the document.
  4. Select Save Documents.

Editing Contact Info

  1. Navigate to Personal Info > hover over your name > select Edit.
  2. Select the Contact Info tab.
  3. Enter the appropriate information under the Default Address section.
  4. Enter the desired telephone or cell phone numbers under the Phone Numbers section.
  5. Enter the desired email address(es) under the Email Addresses section.
  6. Select Save and Finish button.


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