Evaluations: Creating an Evaluation Template

Creating an Evaluation Template

  1. Navigate to Education > Settings
  2. Select Evaluation Templates.
  3. Click the Actions dropdown > Create Template on the left corner of the grid. 
  1. Fill in the appropriate information in text boxes, and check the Allow Evalutee to Review box to permit the evalutee to review the evaluation after it has been completed. 
    1. Select Save Evaluation Template.
    2. The grid that will appear next will be your evaluation where you can add Questions, Sections, and Labels.
    3. New Question: click on this link to begin creating your evaluation.
      1. From the Evaluation Profile, select the Action dropdown > New Question button.
      2. Use the following guides for each field as it relates to the creation of this specific question:
        1. Question Type: Select the type of question you desire. More detail on Question Types here. https://dataresearchgroup.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/signin?return_to=https%3A%2F%2Fdataresearchgroup.zendesk.com%2Fhc%2Fen-us%2Farticles%2F211630463
        2. Short Title: This is optional, if your question is extensive, a short title will sum it up.
        3. Question Text: Type in the evaluation question.
        4. Choose File: You may upload a photo or image to your evaluation by selecting the Choose File button.
        5. Instructions: If instructions for a question box are needed, type them into the evaluation box.
        6. Require an Answer: This is the default setting in creating a New Question, but you may un-check that box if needed.
        7. Collect Comments: Check this box if the student needs to convey a message or memo.
        8. Options: depending on the Question Type, your options will vary.
      3. Check desired Option Text and/or Correct and Require Comment boxes
      4. To save the question, select the Save button at the bottom.


  • New Section: A section is an arbitrary means of dividing an evaluation up into multiple areas. The way the evaluation is divided up is completely up to the discretion of the evaluation creator. To have a good understanding of how sections affect the printed and electronic view of the evaluation from the evaluatee perspective, create a couple of sections in one of your evaluations, organize questions under each section, and then print out and preview the test. 


      1. In order to add a new section to the test, begin by selecting Actions Drop down > New Section from the test design profile screen.
      2. Use the following guides for each field as it relates to the creation of a new section. 
        1. Section Type: Select the type of selection you desire. 
        2. Short Title: This is optional; if your section text is extensive, a short title will sum it up. 
        3. Section Text: Type in the section name here. 
        4. Image: You may upload a photo or image to your label by clicking the Choose File button. 
        5. Instructions: You may convey instructions to each section of the evaluation.
        6. On print, insert a page break: This option allows you to choose the way a section will appear on a printed page. 
      3. Save the new section


  • New Label: A label is an arbitrary set of instructions or images that can facilitate the evaluator while they are filling out the evaluation. A label is highly flexible and can exist in front of all questions in the evaluation, or before or after 1 specific question. Its use is varied, but it typically provides a very flexible method to provide additional information to the evaluator anywhere on the evaluation itself. 


    1. In order to add a label to the test, begin by selecting Actions drop down > New Label from the evaluation design profile screen. 
    2. In the rich text editor that appears, enter your content or images and click on the Save icon when complete. 
  1. Once you have added the questions, sections, and labels, you may want to reorder your evaluation. 
    1. Select the Actions drop down > Reorder button on the evaluation grid. 
    2. Grab questions, sections, and labels and move them around to fit the order you would like them to appear in your evaluation. 
    3. Select Save Order on the left of your grid. 
  2. Your evaluation is complete!


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