Classes: Manage Attendance on a Class

To Add a Student to a Class

  1. Navigate to Education > Classes.
  2. Select the Class to which you would like to add the Student by clicking on the row of the desired Class. 
  3. Click the Actions drop down > Add Student at the top of the Students Grid. 
  4. Type the name of the Student you wish to add, select his or her name from the list that appears, and click the Add button. 

To Add a Group to a Class

  1. Navigate to Education > Classes.
  2. Select the Class to which you would like to add the Group by clicking on the row of the desired Class. 
  3. Click the Actions drop-down > Add Group at the top of the Students Grid. 
  4. Begin typing the name of the Group you wish to add, select it from the list that appears below, and click the Add button. 
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