Payment: Making an Advanced Payment

Making an Advanced Payment

  1. Navigate to Financials > Payment > Advanced.
  2. Enter the name of the person or company making the payment. To pull up the person/company, enter the name or national identifier for the person. Optionally, if it is tracked in the system, you can also enter the social security number of the person as well.
  3. Click on the Proceed button.
  4. In addition to viewing demographic data about the person/company, the staff user can enter the payment information.
  5. Click on Submit & Allocate or Submit & Repeat to continue. Submit & Allocate will forward you to a specialized interface for allocating payment. Submit & Repeat will allow you to enter another (consecutive) payment.

Submit & Allocate Interface

The advanced payment allocate screen is a specialized payment screen that will:

  1. for people; allow you to apply payment to any unpaid line items (even against multiple orders) that currently exist in the system
  2. for companies; allow you to apply payment to any or all of the people belonging to that company. This specialized interface allows you to “unapply” payments that had been initially applied incorrectly.
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