Making an Advanced Payment
- Navigate to Financials > Payment > Advanced.
- Enter the name of the person or company making the payment. To pull up the person/company, enter the name or national identifier for the person. Optionally, if it is tracked in the system, you can also enter the social security number of the person as well.
- Click on the Proceed button.
- In addition to viewing demographic data about the person/company, the staff user can enter the payment information.
- Click on Submit & Allocate or Submit & Repeat to continue. Submit & Allocate will forward you to a specialized interface for allocating payment. Submit & Repeat will allow you to enter another (consecutive) payment.
Submit & Allocate Interface
The advanced payment allocate screen is a specialized payment screen that will:
- for people; allow you to apply payment to any unpaid line items (even against multiple orders) that currently exist in the system
- for companies; allow you to apply payment to any or all of the people belonging to that company. This specialized interface allows you to “unapply” payments that had been initially applied incorrectly.