Orders: Viewing an Order Profile

Viewing an Order Profile

An order profile is 'found' by one of two methods: Method 1. Navigate to 'Financial > Orders', filter the grid to find the order in question and select the desired row to get to the order profile. 2. The second method involves finding the company or person and then from the profile menu, select 'Financial > Orders'. From the company/person orders, click on the desired row to get to the order profile.

Method 1

  1. Navigate to Financial > Orders
  2. Use the filter fields “order”, “date”, “amount”, and “status” to find the rows you are looking for. 
  3. Once the data is restricted, select the desired row to end up at the desired order profile. You are now viewing the order profile. 

Method 2

  1. Navigate to the profile for the person or company that has the order(s) you are interested in. Use the quick search and enter the name of the person or company. Alternatively, enter the social security number for the person or the primary numeric identifier of the person or company to find the desired entity (person or company).
  2. Once on the profile, click the Profile Icon and navigate to Financial > Order.
  3. From the list of orders associated with the company/person, select the desired row. You are now viewing the order profile.


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