Security: Viewing a User Profile

Viewing a User Profile

  1. Navigate to Admin > Security > Users
  2. Select the Filter icon
  3. This exposes a set of fields that allow you to query the entire list of Users. Enter values in the available query fields, and then click on the Search icon.
  4. The grid will then show Users based on the entered criteria. Click on a row to select a specific user of interest.
  5. You are now on the User Profile.
  6. Alternatively, to find a User, you can use the Quick Search in the Navigation Bar.
  7. Enter a name (last, first) or (first, last) or National Identifier or Social Security Number to find the User.
  8. Once on the User’s profile, if a User Profile is associated with the person, it will show here. Click on the User tab to view the User Profile.  


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